Saturday, Sep 09th, 2023
check in
Starts at 10:00 AM
start time
11:00 AM
Open to any golfer (male, female, junior) having a valid verifiable USGA HCP Index or any player with more than 10 scores uploaded and attested on TheGrint
Early Bird price for Tour Members until Noon Tuesday August 8th at Noon or 10 spots.
18 holes Stroke Play
flights by handicap index
- Champ: Up to 3.9
- Albatross: 4.0 to 7.9
- Eagle: 8.0 to 11.9
- Birdie: 12.0 to 15.9
- Par: 16.0 and above
Each flight winner will receive at least:
- 2024 Tour Membership
- $125 Gift Card
- TheGrint Tour Swag
- Champions Trophy
- Winners Ball Marker
optional games
- Flighted Skins Game
- Super Skins Game
- Hole in one pot
cancelation policy
10 + Days = Full credit of paid fees toward a future event
4-9 Days = $45 Cancellation fee, credit of balance
0-3 Days = No credit of paid fees
If refund is requested, a $45 cancellation policy will always be added
- Golf and Tournament Fees
- Food and drinks before and during the round.
- Golf Cart
- Range Balls
- Hole- In- One Jackpot ($1000)
- $20 PGA Superstore Gift Card
- TheGrint Tour Cup Points (Tour Members)
cup race pts
Based on Net Over Par
Augusta Cup Race Pts: Champ/Albatross Flights
Pebble Cup Race Pts: Eagle/Birdie/Par Flights
- 1st Place = 450 Points
- 2nd Place = 375 Points
- 3rd Place = 345 Points
- All Others = -30 Every Position
- Min. for Participation = 60 Points
contact information